MY Rates
Virtual shoot: $80
Outdoor / no studio required: $260
Studio:$455 on top of studio rental price
Fashion Show: $650
Travel Rates:
Outdoor / no studio Required: $760
Studio: $855 on top of studio rental price
Fashion Show:$1000​​​​​​​
all shoots include all the basic edits (lighting and color corrected) and 10 free full edits (skin retouching,sharpening,object removal etc). $10 per extra full edit. first 2 hours included and $50 per extra hour. no deposit fee but $80 cancellation fee.
I don't do events other than fashion shows and the fashion show rate is the price for me to shoot the whole show it is not per hour ! 
Feel Free to DM on Me instagram or email me to schedule a shoot!

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